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Joanne Collevy was always "supremely" fit and healthy. She had a personal trainer, lifted weights, and walked five kilometres a day. She loved horseriding and had an active social life.
#lc #PASC #pwlc #COVID #COVID19 #COVID_19 #sarscov2 #LongCovid #PostCovid #covidbrain
23h ago
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Background: SARS-CoV-2 infection adversely affects rheological parameters, particularly red blood cell (RBC) aggregation and deformability, but whether these changes persist in patients suffering from Long-COVID (LC) and whether these changes are related to RBC morphology remain unknown....
#lc #PASC #pwlc #COVID #COVID19 #COVID_19 #sarscov2 #LongCovid #PostCovid #auscovid19
on Wed, 1PM
Indústria de veículos volta a níveis pré-pandemia
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Apesar do desempenho no mês passado ter sido positivo, o presidente da Anfavea, defendeu a retomada do imposto de importação para 35% . Leia na íntegra na Forbes Brasil.
#economia #inovacao #mercados #Coronavirus #forbesmoney
on Sep 5
EU auditors criticise the response of health agencies to COVID
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The European Court of Auditors (ECA) has made a series of recommendations to the ECDC, the EMA and the European Commission to better prepare for future pandemics, set out in a critical report.
#EMA #eca #ecdc #Coronavirus #covid19crisis
on Sep 5