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From gog.com

The First Templar - Special Edition

5 5

The First Templar follows the story of two main characters – a French Templar, and his co

#gog #nerd #gamer #gaming #freegames #jeugratuit #videogames #vidyagames #mastodongaming

17h ago

From itch.io

Profiteer by Hrust, Laq018

3 3

Master resource management and outsmart smart AI in a Dynamic #Turn-Based #Strategy #Game

#game #gamdev #gaming #ganedev #strategy #indiegame #indiegames #games #gamedev #support

6h ago

From engadget.com

Virtual tabletop gaming platform Roll20 experienced a serious data breach

3 3

Roll20 experienced a serious data breach that compromised personal information. It looks like a rogue got into an administrative account.

#tech #press #ttrpg #breach #gaming #infosec #privacy #internet #tabletop #databreach

11h ago