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Users: 45 total, 1 today.

Posts: 871 total, 1 today.

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Step away from the walled gardens of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, whose raison d'ĂȘtre is to sell your data to the highest bidder, harvest your attention with addictive dark patterns, and bury the content you wanted to find in an "algorithmic" feed packed with ads.

Return to the pure intentions of social networks with the nologo.social Mastodon instance, which will always remain decentralized on top of open protocols, community-owned, and ad-free.

Like with email, you can follow and communicate with users across other Mastodon instances, so the network is not under the control of any single centralised entity.

Not sure which Mastodon instance to sign up to? Don't worry - solid progress is being made on an account migration feature for Mastodon, allowing you to move your account and followers to a different instance.

Our name is a homage to Naomi Klein's 1999 book No Logo, which explores the dangers of corporatism.

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Hourly Posts

A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

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Last Week's Top Hashtags

#USA(33.3%) #stiri(33.3%) #helene(33.3%)

Domains Blocked

nologo.social blocks or silences 0 domains:

    Data from 2024-10-02 00:20:17.298472