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Esta es una instancia feminista, antifascista, antirracista y LGTBIQ-friendly que lucha activamente contra el acoso a sus usuarios y usuarias en todas sus formas, explĂ­citas e implĂ­citas.

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Domains Blocked

paquita.masto.host blocks or silences 84 domains:

  • admins.town
  • anitwitter.moe
  • ediot.social
  • freezepeach.xyz
  • frennet.xyz
  • gorf.club
  • ika.moe
  • libertarianism.club
  • noagendasocial.com
  • rainbowdash.net
  • sealion.club
  • social.au2pb.net
  • social.heldscal.la
  • social.hidamari.blue
  • social.homunyan.com
  • social.targaryen.house
  • unsafe.space
  • voluntaryism.club
  • woofer.alfter.us
  • wrongthink.net
  • am.pirateradio.social
  • angrytoday.com
  • bae.st
  • baraag.net
  • beta.birdsite.live
  • bird.makeup
  • birdsite.nytpu.com
  • birdsite.slashdev.space
  • bofa.lol
  • clew.lol
  • cum.***on
  • daffodil-11.org
  • detroitriotcity.com
  • eientei.org
  • exited.eu
  • freespeechextremist.com
  • gab.com
  • gs.s*****.li
  • h5q.net
  • humblr.social
  • kiwifarms.cc
  • komintern.work
  • liberdon.com
  • libranet.de
  • loputozirak.ddns.net
  • mastinator.com
  • masto.rocks
  • mastodon.la
  • mastodon.top
  • newjack.city
  • nicecrew.digital
  • outpoa.st
  • pa***.*et
  • pal**.*ro
  • pett****.art
  • pirateradio.social
  • pl.s*****.li
  • plero**.*****d.me
  • poa.st
  • porntoot.com
  • poster.place
  • pre*********.biz
  • quey.la
  • rdrama.cc
  • shitpost.cloud
  • shitposter.club
  • shortstacksran.ch
  • sinblr.com
  • soc.ua-fediland.de
  • social.allthefallen.ninja
  • social.gnuhacker.org
  • social.masked.cloud
  • social.mykolayiv.dcomm.net.ua
  • social.owlcode.tech
  • swi****.at
  • thechad.zone
  • toot.love
  • tuiter.es
  • tuiter.ga
  • tuiter.rocks
  • tv.pirateradio.social
  • twtr.plus
  • varishangout.net
  • vipgirlfriend.xxx

Data from 2024-07-27 00:03:35.523588