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Users: 52 total, 2 today.

Posts: 6.0k total, 2 today.

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social.servus.at ist eine Mastodon Instanz offen für alle Mitglieder des Vereins servus.at - Kunst & Kultur im Netz und wird von eben diesem betrieben. Es gibt Regeln, die Ihr Euch vor der Anmeldung durchlesen solltet, damit Ihr "gut miteinander umgeht".

social.servus.at is a Mastodon instance open to all members of servus.at - Kunst & Kultur im Netz and is managed by that. There are rules that you should read before signing up, so that you "be excellent to each other".

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Hourly Posts

A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

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Last Week's Top Hashtags

#iww(6.7%) #vms(6.7%) #ARDC(6.7%) #amro(6.7%) #work(6.7%) #talks(6.7%) #servus(6.7%) #unions(6.7%) #workers(6.7%) #Politics(6.7%) #bandcamp(6.7%) #wobblies(6.7%) #Australia(6.7%) #organising(6.7%) #workersrights(6.7%)

Domains Blocked

social.servus.at blocks or silences 0 domains:

    Data from 2024-12-21 00:00:34.795325