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Posts: 627.6k total, 3 today.

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우리.인생(uri.life)은 다툼과 차별, 혐오에 지친 나와 여러분, 우리를 위한 안식처입니다.

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Hourly Posts

A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

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Last Week's Top Hashtags

#fsm(5.6%) #ramen(5.6%) #noodle(5.6%) #교육(5.6%) #극우(5.6%) #노동(5.6%) #용어(5.6%) #쿠팡(5.6%) #헌법(5.6%) #spaghetti(5.6%) #감리교(5.6%) #개신교(5.6%) #holynoodle(5.6%) #퀴어축제(5.6%) #혐오차별(5.6%) #혐오표현(5.6%) #블랙리스트(5.6%) #flyingspaghettimonster(5.6%)

Domains Blocked

uri.life blocks or silences 22 domains:

  • airwaves.social
  • ba*.*t
  • cunnyborea.top
  • eie****.*rg
  • gear******.*aus
  • graphics.social
  • greenf****.*****.host
  • home.speakfree.social
  • library.love
  • loli.****sed
  • lol****.*op
  • madworld.social
  • mastdn.social
  • mast******.com
  • mastodon.thedirtydis.co
  • misskey.tailc0bbe.ts.net
  • ob*.*h
  • opensimsocial.com
  • sea*.**fe
  • social.cutefunny.net
  • sotl.social
  • terere.social

Data from 2024-07-27 00:19:17.550128