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Users: 1.8k total, 3 today.

Posts: 52.6k total, 3 today.

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Першы беларускамоўны сервер у сеціве Mastodon. Размовы з тымі, хто разумее 😏 Server only for Belarusian-language users.

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Hourly Posts

A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

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Domains Blocked

vkl.world blocks or silences 14 domains:

  • detroitriotcity.com
  • poa.st
  • trouth.eu
  • xscape.top
  • *.3zi.ru
  • *.activitypub-troll.cf
  • *.misskey-forkbomb.cf
  • *.repl.co
  • 3zi.ru
  • baraag.net
  • juick.com
  • misskey.io
  • nekocave.xyz
  • xn--p1abe3d.xn--80asehdb

Data from 2024-07-05 00:07:26.756063