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This is my personal Fediverse presence 🏩 I don't expect to be very active here, so if you want to follow me, head over to Mastodon:

🦣 https://fosstodon.org/@wimpy

This instance is intended to facilitate my learning β€πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ more about ActivityPub, but it is also a hedge in case I ever need to relocate to a different server, or this experiment is a runaway success πŸ§ͺ

What's in the box? πŸ“¦

The server is running on a Hetzner Dedicated box that I picked up in their Server Auction πŸ’Έ

What's it running? πŸ’Ύ

  • OS: NixOS ️❄️ - a purely-functional Linux distribution
  • VPN: Tailscale - makes creating software-defined networks easy
  • Webserver: Caddy - the most advanced HTTPS server in the world
  • Website: Hugo - the world’s fastest framework for building websites
  • ActivityPub: GotoSocial - a fast, fun, ActivityPub server
  • link-in-bio: LittleLink - an open source alternative to Linktree
  • Status Page: Gatus - automated developer-oriented status page
  • Notifications: ntfy - a simple HTTP-based pub-sub notification service

The entire configuration for this server is available via my nix-config on GitHub. My workstations and servers are named after Sith Lords, and this server is malak.

Where can I learn more? β€πŸ€”

  • Linux Matters: - all the Linux Matters that matter πŸ§οΈπŸŽ™οΈ

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    Data from 2024-11-27 00:10:59.790301