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781 10593
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From byteseu.com

Everyone A treat for Lithuanians su golf 2

1 1

all Karumas were bought from Latvia with three golf cartshttps://i.redd.it/yqvgfpaumbad1.jpegPosted by Mastodon-Positive

#Latvia #latvija #lețmovabamo #republicoflatvia #latvejasrepublika #latvijasrepublika

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Confirmed: the state plans to offer bonds to the people of Estonia

1 1

Confirmed: the state plans to offer bonds to the people of Estoniahttps://arileht.delfi.ee/artikkel/120304892/kinnitatud-riik-plaanib-pakkuda-eesti-inimestele-volakirjuPosted by koopaoravorav

#Eesti #estonia #eestivabariik #republicofestonia

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Finland drops further in global competitiveness ranking

1 1

https://yle.fi/a/74-20097769https://old.reddit.com/r/Finland/comments/1dugknk/finland_drops_further_in_global_competitiveness/Posted by Better-Analysis-2694

#suomi #finland #suomentasavalta #republicoffinland #republikenfinland

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Here the king drives the premiere tour on repaired E6

1 1

Here the king drives the premiere tour on repaired E6https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/vast/har-kor-kungen-premiarturen-pa-reparerade-e6Posted by onda-oegat

#sweden #sverige #kingdomofsweden #konungariketsverige

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Test your knowledge of Belgian muncipalities!

1 1

I made an app to improve my knowledge on belgian cities. Try it for yourself by running the code in this github repo. https://i.redd.it/7rbzycalobad1.jpegPosted by Majemano_o

#belgie #Belgien #belgium #belgique #kingdomofbelgium #koninkrijkbelgie #konigreichbelgien #royaumedebelgique

on Wed, 5PM

From byteseu.com

Amsterdam money laundering family Basnoe convicted, immediately sent to jail | …

1 1

Amsterdam money laundering family Basnoe convicted, immediately sent to jail | …https://archive.ph/ybO7SPosted by MadeofHonour

#nederland #netherlands

22h ago

From byteseu.com

More and more Portuguese doctors who studied abroad are returning

1 1

More and more Portuguese doctors who studied abroad are returninghttps://www.jn.pt/2935240726/ha-cada-vez-mais-medicos-portugueses-com-curso-no-estrangeiro-a-regressar/Posted by Unlikely_Ad6556


23h ago

From byteseu.com

Jordan Bardella convinced he was being chased for several kilometers by a truck driven by Marine Tondelier

1 1

Jordan Bardella convinced he was being chased for several kilometers by a truck driven by Marine Tondelierhttps://www.legorafi.fr/2024/07/03/jordan-bardella-persuade-detre-poursuivi-depuis-plusieurs-kilometres-par-un-camion-conduit-par-marine-tondelier/Posted by roux-cool


23h ago

From byteseu.com

Boy stabs female classmate before jumping out window

1 1

Boy stabs female classmate before jumping out windowhttps://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240702050645Posted by TiddlyTootToot

#korea #southkorea

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Yoon Targets DP's Cash Handout Proposal

1 1

Photo : YONHAP News During a meeting to discuss the direction of economic policy in the second half on Wednesday, President Yoon Suk Yeol seemed to criticize the main opposition Democratic Party's (DP) cash handout proposal. During the closing remarks, Yoon questioned why one would stop at a 250...

#kbs #News #korea #kbsnews #kbstoday #koreanews #southkorea #southkoreanews

23h ago

From byteseu.com

How Japan’s newest yen note came from the Nepali mountains | CNN Business

1 1

How Japan’s newest yen note came from the Nepali mountains | CNN Businesshttps://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/02/business/japan-yen-note-nepal-paperbush-intl-hnk/index.html

#News #Japan #japannews #japanesepolitics #japanesecurrenteventsandpolitics

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Xi, Putin to meet in Kazakhstan

1 1

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin are scheduled to hold talks in Kazakhstan. The meeting will take place on Wednesday in the Kazakh capital Astana, where a two-day summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a framework led by China and Russia, is scheduled....

#nhk #Japan #nhknews #nhkworldnews

on Wed, 5PM

From byteseu.com

Russian media report that a warehouse with chemicals is on fire in Sverdlovsk region of Russia. Locals reported hearing explosions.

1 1

Russian media report that a warehouse with chemicals is on fire in Sverdlovsk region of Russia. Locals reported hearing explosions.https://v.redd.it/sa9m3e388bad1Posted by BigDeckBob

#ukraine #ukrainewarvideos #ukrainewarvideoreport

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Funny moment in Kazakhstan. President Tokayev personally greeted Xi Jinping near the plane, and Russian dictator Putin was met by the prime minister

1 1

Funny moment in Kazakhstan. President Tokayev personally greeted Xi Jinping near the plane, and Russian dictator Putin was met by the prime ministerhttps://ua-stena.info/en/xi-jinping-and-putin-arrived-in-astana/

#ukraine #Ukrainianconflict

on Wed, 5PM

From byteseu.com

Beer swilling Brett stated multiple times during his confirmation hearing that, 'the President is not above the law.'

1 1

Beer swilling Brett stated multiple times during his confirmation hearing that, 'the President is not above the law.'Posted by 8-bit-Felix

#Politics #uspolitics #politicalhumor

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza

1 1

Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gazahttps://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/02/world/middleeast/israel-military-gaza-cease-fire.html?unlocked_article_code=1.4U0.fvZA.Y4wkUNMf8SmU&smid=url-share

#Politics #geopolitics #geopoliticalnews #geopoliticalanalysis

22h ago

From byteseu.com

Highest point of countries in Europe

1 1

Highest point of countries in EuropePosted by wkd101

#map #Maps #mapporn

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Panorama Pic 🤙

1 1

Panorama Pic 🤙 Posted by EdcMTN

#Outdoor #outdoors

23h ago

From byteseu.com

Crypto ETF Race Ramps Up as Deutsche Digital Assets Launches World's First Macroeconomic-Driven Bitcoin ETP

1 1

Crypto ETF Race Ramps Up as Deutsche Digital Assets Launches World's First Macroeconomic-Driven Bitcoin ETPhttp://ccn.com/news/crypto/crypto-etf-race-deutsche-digital-first-macroeconomic-bitcoin-etp/

#Crypto #currency #cryptocurrency

on Wed, 4PM

From byteseu.com

NASA selects SpaceX to launch a gamma-ray telescope into an unusual orbit

1 1

NASA selects SpaceX to launch a gamma-ray telescope into an unusual orbithttps://arstechnica.com/space/2024/07/spacex-selected-to-launch-nasa-mission-probing-the-creation-of-matter/

#space #cosmology #astrobiology #astrophysics #spacetechnology #planetaryscience #spaceexploration

23h ago

(Showing 20 out of 781.)