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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #site #scroll #tags #tag #pic #set #studio #pov #series


From htmlemoji.eu


2 3

Emoji copy & paste

#App #html #emoji

on Dec 3


From jesusysustics.com

Image Toolbox es la navaja suiza para trabajar con imágenes en el móvil

1 1

Elías Fraguas me descubrió esta fantástica multiherramienta súper potente y de código abierto. Cuenta con herramientas para redimensionar un aimagen, comprimirla, convertirla a otro formato , recortarla o eliminar sus datos EXIF.

#App #imagen #elproxy #utilidad #codigoabierto #telefonomovil #ediciondeimagen #multiherramienta

21h ago


From lowyat.net

Bank Islam's BIMB Mobile & Web: The Future Of Banking At Your Fingertips! - Lowyat.NET

1 1

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (Bank Islam) has officially launched its groundbreaking digital banking platforms, BIMB Mobile and BIMB Web, bringing a whole new

#App #web #bimb #mobile #banking #branded #features #services #bankislam

8h ago


From ceotech.it

Google Play Store elimina la Condivisione App

1 1

Google rimuove la condivisione app dal Play Store. Ecco le alternative, come Google Files, per condividere app offline con Quick Share. Dettagli e info utili.

#App #google #android #notizie #consigli #playstore #rimozione #googleplay #quickshare #tecnologia

21h ago


From ceotech.it

One UI 7: arriva la Now Bar per un accesso rapido

1 1

One UI 7 introduce la Now Bar, una nuova funzione per la schermata di blocco che offre accesso rapido ad app, notifiche e informazioni utili.Immagina un tel

#AI #App #OneUI #novita #nowbar #oneui7 #notizie #samsung #android15 #notifiche

15h ago


From ceotech.it

Instagram: Collage 2024 per le Storie di fine anno

1 1

Instagram lancia "Collage 2024", una nuova funzione per creare collage con i tuoi momenti preferiti dell'anno nelle Storie. Ecco tutti i dettagli.L'anno vol

#App #iOS #meta #novita #storie #android #notizie #fineanno #instagram #tecnologia

21h ago


From ceotech.it

Netflix Moments arriva su Android: salva e condividi clip

1 1

Netflix Moments, la funzione per salvare clip di film e serie TV, è finalmente disponibile anche su Android! Condividi le tue scene preferite con facilità.

#App #iOS #clip #novita #android #desktop #netflix #notizie #tecnologia #condivisione

16h ago



From theverge.com

Fediverse creator payment platform sub.club is shutting down

2 13

This attempt at paid content in an open ecosystem is over.

#App #mammoth #Mastodon #fediverse #subscriptions

on Tue, 12AM


From technologyreview.com

AI’s search for more energy is growing more urgent

5 5

As AI’s new direction is requiring even larger amounts of energy, tech companies have a problem.

#AI #App #LLMs #genai #energy #artificialintelligence

22h ago


From ndr.de

HHLA führt App für Terminalzufahrt ein

1 1

Mit der App soll Zeit eingespart werden, außerdem soll die Sicherheit im Hafen erhöht und illegaler Drogenhandel gesenkt werden.

#App #hhla #Hamburg #terminal #drogenhandel #hamburgjournal #hafensicherheit #terminalzufahrt

13h ago


From technologyreview.com

A woman in the US is the third person to receive a gene-edited pig kidney

2 2

Towana Looney, who received the experimental treatment during a seven-hour operation in New York, is currently the only person living with a pig organ.

#App #biotechnologyandhealth

18h ago


From am730.com.hk

三代本地Rapper拍攝Ant Bank廣告歌「螞蟻呀嘻」 消費、儲蓄、理財 一App搞掂 螞上理財最簡單! | am730

1 1

近日,Ant Bank推出全新廣告歌曲《螞蟻呀嘻》,特別邀請了本港著名Rapper尹光、MC JIN和ONEUP,4位Rapper代表三個不同的嘻哈時代。這首歌曲不僅旋律活潑,歌詞也極具感染力,展現了輕鬆理財的魅力,讓人忍不住隨著節奏舞動。無論是開戶、儲蓄、理財還是消費,只需通過AlipayHK 進入「螞蟻銀行」小程式

#App #廣告 #理財

8h ago

Showing first 18 out of 18