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From astrocamp.eu

Messier 42 – Orion Nebula – Astrophotography and Astronomy

1 1

The Orion Nebula is a bright diffuse nebula located in the constellation Orion, approximately 1,344 light-years away from Earth, and reaches its annual culminat

#sky #space #nature #Astrodon #clearsky #nightsky #astronomy #telescope #astrophoto #photography

15h ago


From nature.com

Nature Astronomy - Galaxies from wherever flock together

1 1

Streamlines trace the motions of galaxies through the Universe from their modern-day locations to the potential minima of basins of attraction.See Valade et al.

#map #News #stem #space #science #Astrodon #galaxies #astronomy #cosmology #cartography

11h ago


From flickr.com

Jupiter - NASA ESA Hubble Space Telescope

1 1

Download full size: www.flickr.com/photos/192271236@N03/54216767452/sizes/o/ See license below. Credit: Image Procesing: Andrea Luck CC BY Raw Data: NASA/ESA/STScI Image created processing data from: mast.stsci.edu/ Preview raw data and more info:...

#space #Astrodon #astronomy #solarocks

16h ago


From harvard.edu

Creating Pileups of Eccentric Planet Pairs Wide of MMRs Through Divergent Migration

1 1

Observed pileups of planets with period ratios $\approx 1\%$ wide of strong mean motion resonances (MMRs) pose an important puzzle. Early models showed that they can be created through sustained eccentricity damping driving a slow separation of the orbits, but this picture is inconsistent with...

#nbody #Astrodon

12h ago

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