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Correlated tags: #royaumedebelgique #koninkrijkbelgie #konigreichbelgien #kingdomofbelgium


From bytesde.com

Habe das heute in BrĂ¼ssel auf einem Damenseesack gesehen, danach gesucht und es bei Amazon gefunden. Stammt das wirklich aus Belgien?

1 1

Habe das heute in BrĂ¼ssel auf einem Damenseesack gesehen, danach gesucht und es bei Amazon gefunden. Stammt das wirklich aus Belgien?https://i.redd.it/zqo5jcs5n6ad1.jpegVon Call_Me_Apostel

#Belgien #belgium

23h ago


From byteseu.com

Saw this on a womans seasack today in Brussel looked it up and found it on amazon is this really from anything belgian?

1 1

Saw this on a womans seasack today in Brussel looked it up and found it on amazon is this really from anything belgian?https://i.redd.it/zqo5jcs5n6ad1.jpegPosted by Call_Me_Apostel

#belgie #Belgien #belgium #belgique #kingdomofbelgium #koninkrijkbelgie #konigreichbelgien #royaumedebelgique

on Wed, 6AM


From byteseu.com

Outpost: very Flemish, very Dutch and very prepared for action

1 1

Outpost: very Flemish, very Dutch and very prepared for actionhttps://m.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20240701_95179681?journeybuilder=nopaywallPosted by radicalerudy

#belgie #Belgien #belgium #belgique #kingdomofbelgium #koninkrijkbelgie #konigreichbelgien #royaumedebelgique

20h ago


From byteseu.com

Belgium is using less and less fossil fuel but it looks impossible for me to ever make a transition to renewable or nuclear energy. Thoughts?

1 1

Belgium is using less and less fossil fuel but it looks impossible for me to ever make a transition to renewable or nuclear energy. Thoughts?https://i.redd.it/lj1hbbiu7aad1.pngPosted by tesrepurwash121810

#belgie #Belgien #belgium #belgique #kingdomofbelgium #koninkrijkbelgie #konigreichbelgien #royaumedebelgique

18h ago


From byteseu.com

Test your knowledge of Belgian muncipalities!

1 1

I made an app to improve my knowledge on belgian cities. Try it for yourself by running the code in this github repo. https://i.redd.it/7rbzycalobad1.jpegPosted by Majemano_o

#belgie #Belgien #belgium #belgique #kingdomofbelgium #koninkrijkbelgie #konigreichbelgien #royaumedebelgique

13h ago


From byteseu.com

Antwerp remains major gateway to cocaine entering Europe

1 1

Antwerp remains major gateway to cocaine entering Europehttps://www.brusselstimes.com/1122863/antwerp-remains-major-gateway-to-cocaine-entering-europePosted by phonodysia

#belgie #Belgien #belgium #belgique #kingdomofbelgium #koninkrijkbelgie #konigreichbelgien #royaumedebelgique

10h ago


From byteseu.com

Belgian button.

1 1

Hi, you are my final hope. Is this Belgian? Made by van Malderen, Bruxelles. I've searched reddit button experts, and nothing. What does IHV mean?https://i.redd.it/ttw3gcsi9ead1.jpegPosted by ConcentrateDull2294

#belgie #Belgien #belgium #belgique #kingdomofbelgium #koninkrijkbelgie #konigreichbelgien #royaumedebelgique

4h ago

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