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23 160 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From thecyberexpress.com

BMW Data Breach Exposes 14,000 Hong Kong Customers’ Personal Information

2 2

In a significant blow to data privacy, BMW has reported a major data breach affecting approximately 14,000 customers in Hong

#bmwdataleak #bmwdatabreach #firewalldaily #databreachnews #bmwcyberattacks #thecyberexpress #CyberSecurityNews #thecyberexpressnews

12h ago


From thecyberexpress.com

SeleniumGreed: The Growing Threat of Cryptomining via Exposed Selenium Grid Services

2 2

Threat actors are increasingly targeting exposed Selenium Grid services to deploy cryptominers, a campaign dubbed "SeleniumGreed." This threat leverages the popular

#xmrigminer #darkwebnews #cryptomining #seleniumgrid #firewalldaily #seleniumgreed #thecyberexpress #CyberSecurityNews #thecyberexpressnews #seleniumwebdriverapi

9h ago


From gbhackers.com

Play & LockBit Ransomware Join Hands to Launch Cyber Attacks

2 2

Play Ransomware and LockBit Ransomware have reportedly allied to enhance their capabilities in launching cyber attacks.

#Ransomware #cybersecurity #CyberSecurityNews

14h ago


From gbhackers.com

OpenAI Launches SearchGPT Prototype

2 2

San Francisco, CA – OpenAI has announced the launch of SearchGPT, a groundbreaking prototype designed to revolutionize how users search.

#cybersecurity #CyberSecurityNews

10h ago


From thecyberexpress.com

Coinbase’s UK Arm Fined £3.5 Million for Lax Anti-Money Laundering Controls

2 2

In a groundbreaking move that underscores the escalating scrutiny of cryptocurrency exchanges, UK financial regulators have slapped a first of

#aml #fca #Coinbase #compliance #regulations #BusinessNews #firewalldaily #thecyberexpress #CyberSecurityNews #antimoneylaundering

5h ago


From thecyberexpress.com

India Confirms State-Owned Telecom Giant BSNL’s Data Breach, Millions of User Records Compromised

2 2

India has confirmed a data breach in the systems of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited’s (BSNL), the country’s largest government-owned-telecommunications service

#india #telecom #dataleak #cybercrime #hackernews #cyberattack #datasecurity #hackerclaims #cybersecurity #firewalldaily

5h ago


From thecyberexpress.com

The Dumbest Thing in Security This Week: CrowdStrike Needs a Grand Gesture

3 3

CrowdStrike (CRWD) is in the midst of an unenviable crisis after a faulty update crashed 8.5 million Windows machines around

#EDR #bsod #outage #security #cybersecurity #firewalldaily #cyberinsurance #thecyberexpress #crisismanagement #CyberSecurityNews

8h ago


From thecyberexpress.com

India Highlights Key Government’s Initiatives to Boost Cybersecurity

2 2

The Indian Government has once again reiterated its key strategies to strengthen its cyber defense and safeguard its citizens in

#india #certin #cybercrime #governance #Pressrelease #digitalindia #onlinesafety #cybersecurity #firewalldaily #dataprotection

9h ago


From redhotcyber.com

Il Gruppo Ransomware Ransomexx Rivendica l’Attacco al Colosso Liteon

2 2

Il gruppo ransomware Ransomexx ha rivendicato un attacco contro il colosso elettronico Liteon, compromettendo 142GB di dati sensibili e causando gravi disagi operativi. Scopri le implicazioni e le misure di sicurezza necessarie.

#AI #it #cti #News #online #hacking #privacy #Technology #cybercrime #innovation

4h ago


From redhotcyber.com

DPO a meno di 24 euro l'ora? Se domandare è lecito, rifiutare è doveroso.

2 2

Scopri la nuova gara d'appalto caricata sul MEPA per un servizio di Data Protection Officer (DPO) per un Comune italiano.

#AI #it #cti #News #online #hacking #privacy #Technology #cybercrime #innovation

10h ago


From redhotcyber.com

E' solo Falcon di CrowdStrike? No, molti altri EDR e AV hanno il proprio BSOD nell'armadio!

2 2

Scopri gli episodi storici in cui i driver di sicurezza EDR/AV hanno causato instabilità nei sistemi Windows, inclusi BSOD e crash. Un'analisi approfondita degli incidenti e delle lezioni da imparare.

#AI #it #cti #News #online #hacking #privacy #Technology #cybercrime #innovation

14h ago

Showing first 20 out of 23