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From sci.news

Trypillia Mega-Sites Avoided Wealth Inequalities between Individual Households, Archaeologists Say | Sci.News

1 3

The Trypillia culture flourished in western/central Ukraine, Moldova and eastern Romania for over two millennia from the end of the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (5400-2700 BCE).

#Moldova #romania #ukraine #bronzeage #neolithic #trypillia #archaeology

on Thu, 1AM


From koerber-stiftung.de

Moldau: Perspektiven eines zerrissenen Landes

1 1

Die Sicherheitslage der Republik Moldau hat sich seit dem Start des Ukrainekriegs im Jahr 2022 verschlechtert. Aktuell erlebt die Gesellschaft zudem ein Ringen um die zukünftige Ausrichtung des Landes: Nach Osten Richtung Russland oder nach Westen …

#moldau #Moldova #osteuropa

17h ago


From amaravati.today

Foreign minister says Moldova has right to expel more Russian diplomats

1 1

CHISINAU - The foreign minister of ex-Soviet Moldova was quoted as saying on Friday that his government reserved the right to order further expulsions of Russian diplomats if Moscow engaged in new activities harmful to the country's interests.Moldova's relations with Russia have deteriorated as...

#eu #News #Europe #Moldova #russian #chisinau #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

17h ago

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