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33 287 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From bbc.com

A Bugatti, a first lady and the fake stories aimed at Americans - BBC News

32 40

A former US police officer runs an AI-powered network of misleading news sites turning its sights towards November.

#AI #us #kim #Trump #olena #press #bugatti #disinfo #fascist #russian

4h ago


From kyivindependent.com

Zelensky says Trump should reveal plan on ending Russia's war

6 6

"If Trump knows how to finish this war, he should tell us today," President Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with Bloomberg TV. "If there are risks to Ukrainian independence, if we lose statehood — we want to be ready for this, we want to know... We want to understand whether in November...

#war #News #Putin #Trump #sharks #zelensky #batteries #diaperdon #monologue #peacetreay

13h ago


From youtube.com

Poland, After America || Peter Zeihan

1 1

This next country might surprise some of you, but deglobalization might give Poland its moment of fame. That's if they play their cards right, and even then,...

#eu #USA #gop #war #NAFO #News #maga #nato #Biden #Putin

14h ago


From threadreaderapp.com

Thread by @TuckerCarlson on Thread Reader App

1 1

@TuckerCarlson: Looks like we’ve got the Zelenskyy interview. We’ve been trying for two years, and with particular intensity after interviewing Putin in February. The point is to bring Americans much-needed informat...…

#Putin #Russia #carlson #ukraine #zelesnkyy

2h ago


From blogspot.com

Los rebeldes de Yemen reanudan ataques contra barcos en el Mar Rojo y el Mediterraneo.

1 1

El portavoz de los hutíes, Yahya Sare'e, se atribuyó la responsabilidad de cuatro ataques contra barcos occidentales en el mar Mediterráneo ...

#afd #kgb #Putin #Yemen #barcos #europa #guerra #ataques #marrojo #misiles

19h ago


From blogspot.com

El ex embajador de Bielorrusia en Alemania fue encontrado muerto tras ser interrogado por la KGB.

1 1

En Minsk falleció el ex embajador de Bielorrusia en Alemania, Denis Sidorenko, informó el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de la República....

#afd #kgb #Putin #Yemen #barcos #europa #guerra #ataques #marrojo #misiles

19h ago


From blogspot.com

Alemania: decenas de miles de manifestantes denuncian el congreso del partido de extrema derecha AfD; dos policías gravemente heridos.

1 1

Un movimiento de protesta masivo y excesos. Dos policías fueron atacados y gravemente heridos este Sábado 29 de Junio por manifestantes que ...

#afd #kgb #Putin #Yemen #barcos #europa #guerra #ataques #marrojo #misiles

19h ago


From blogspot.com

Putin exigió la reanudación de la producción de misiles para una guerra nuclear con Europa.

1 1

Rusia necesita reanudar la producción de misiles terrestres de mediano y corto alcance, dijo el presidente ruso Vladimir Putin en una reuni...

#afd #kgb #Putin #Yemen #barcos #europa #guerra #ataques #marrojo #misiles

20h ago


From chbeck.de

Hans, Julian | Kinder der Gewalt

1 1

Ein Porträt Russlands in fünf Verbrechen. 2024. 978-3-406-80886-9. Woher kommt die ungeheuere Brutalität, mit der die russischen Soldaten in der Ukraine morden, plünde…

#buch #Putin #lesen #buchtipp #russland #booktodon

20h ago


From meduza.io

Welcome to the Union of Republics of Russia A group of Russian researchers have proposed a new constitution for the post-Putin era. Meduza breaks down its key points. — Meduza

5 5

The Institute for Global Reconstitution (IGRec) — a research initiative founded by a group of Russian academics and journalists — has published its draft proposal for a new Russian Constitution. The document’s creators, who believe their project will prove useful after Russia’s current ruling...

#News #Putin #Russia #meduza #ukraine #russianwar #russianinvasion

15h ago


From badische-zeitung.de

Israel: Fläche im Westjordanland zu Staatsland erklärt

1 1

Laut einer israelischen Menschenrechtsorganisation ist 2024 ein Rekordjahr der israelischen Landnahme. Die rechts-religiöse Führung treibt den Siedlungsbau im Westjordanland voran.

#Putin #Israel #ukraine #Annexion #westjordanland

4h ago


From writeworks.uk

Ukraine Daily Summary - Wednesday, July 3 2024

2 2

Russia struggles to control finances as Ukraine invasion spending soars -- NATO plans to establish new post in Kyiv, 'Trump-proof' Ukraine aid, WSJ reports -- Mass fire breaks out in Russia's Kursk Oblast, authorities say -- Russia deployed attack submarines close to Irish Sea on 2 occasions,...

#Xi #t80 #News #kyiv #nato #Putin #orban #tanks #Dnipro #Russia

21h ago


From amaravati.today

Kremlin says Modi visit could deepen Russian trade ties to India

1 1

Russia's President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi, India, December 6, 2021. Sputnik/Mikhail Klimentyev/File PhotoMOSCOW - The Kremlin said on Tuesday that the final details of a visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Russia were...

#modi #Putin #india #trade #kremlin #russian #Worldnews #amaravati #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

on Wed, 6AM


From amaravati.today

Putin arrives in Kazakhstan for Russia-China dominated SCO summit

1 1

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with Russian-installed leader of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo, amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, in Moscow, Russia June 25, 2024. Sputnik/Vyacheslav Prokofyev/File PhotoRussia's President Vladimir Putin arrived in Kazakhstan on...

#sco #News #China #Putin #Russia #Worldnews #amaravati #kazakhstan #breakingnews #amaravatitoday

21h ago


From businessinsider.com

Russia's frenemy China is quietly trying to dampen Putin's influence

1 1

China has massively boosted its economic and political influence in Central Asia while Russia's been distracted in Ukraine.

#cso #China #Putin #Russia #beijing #kremlin #ukraine #tradedeals #xijingping #centralasia

16h ago


From g4media.ro

Nave militare ruse au acostat în Venezuela, aliată fidelă a lui Vladimir Putin

1 1

Nave militare ruse ale Flotei de Nord au acostat marţi pentru "mai multe zile" în Venezuela, ţară al cărei preşedinte Nicolas Maduro este un aliat fidel

#Putin #rusia #știri #venezuela

20h ago


From deutschlandfunk.de

Besuch in Kiew - Orban wirbt bei Selenskyj für Waffenruhe zwischen Russland und der Ukraine

1 2

Ungarns Ministerpräsident Orban hat die Ukraine dazu aufgerufen, in ihrem Verteidigungskrieg gegen Russland eine Waffenruhe in Erwägung zu ziehen. Orban sagte nach einem Treffen mit Präsident Selenskyj in Kiew, ein solcher zeitlich begrenzter Schritt könne Friedensgespräche mit Moskau beschleunigen.

#Putin #absurd #ungarn #ukraine

on Wed, 2AM

Showing first 20 out of 24