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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From theintercept.com

The Reason Netanyahu and Putin Both Want a Trump Victory

10 10

Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu both want Donald Trump to win so they can prolong and intensify their brutal wars.

#bds #world #uspoli #donalddump #jamesrisen #stopfascism #KamalaHarris #traitortrump #warmongering #worldwarbibi

2h ago


From zeit.de

Friedensdemo: Streit unter der Friedenstaube

6 6

Mit Sahra Wagenknecht gegen den Krieg protestieren? In Berlin steigt eine Demo mit Politikern von Linke bis CSU. Nur eine Partei aus dem linken Spektrum ist nicht dabei.

#csu #sed #Linke #berlin #gruene #paywall #ukraine #deutschland #konterrevolution #Putin

21h ago


From mstdn.ca

GG (@gemelliz@mstdn.ca)

1 1

A new report on #foreignInterference in Canada confirms that a Russian disinformation operation has been producing content with the purpose of ‘boosting support for Pierre #Poilievre and undermining support for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.' #canada #cdnpoli #conservatives...


1h ago


From pravda.com.ua

Ukraine’s General Staff reports destruction of costly Russian Nebo-M radar by ATACMS

3 3

Ukraine’s defence forces struck a Russian Nebo-M radar station using ATACMS ballistic missiles.

#eu #uk #us #USA #News #nato #Putin #press #Russia #atacms

17h ago


From diis.dk

Russofobien er gået amok

1 1

Analogislutningen fra Hitler til Putin er absurd; dansk frihed og demokrati er ikke truet af Rusland. Men krigspsykosen kan i værste fald blive en selvopfyldende profeti.

#Putin #dkpol #ukraine

18h ago


From bsky.app

Korallenherz (@Korallenherz.mastodon.social.ap.brid.gy)

1 1

IG Metall, sPD. Die Linke etc neben und mit #Coronazis. Meine Fresse ... #b0310

#bsw #spd #Putin #stegner #ukraine #wagenknecht #fiedensdemonstration

8h ago

Showing first 20 out of 36