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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From winfuture.de

SpaceX: Geheimtreffen mit Staatsführern löst Behörden-Alarm aus

1 1

Elon Musk und SpaceX stehen im Fokus mehrerer US-Bundesbehörden. Der Grund: Mögliche Verstöße gegen Sicherheitsvorschriften bei der Mel­dung von Treffen mit ausländischen Staatsführern. Musk und SpaceX sollen diese Informationen bewusst verschleiert haben, so der Vorwurf.


on Wed, 10AM


From mastodon.online

David August (@davidaugust@mastodon.online)

2 2

"...a power outage at #SpaceX’s California facility caused a loss of #GroundControl, meaning that the mission control team was briefly unable to command the #spacecraft." Single outage brought GROUND CONTROL down?! On the ground where power grids & diesel generators at a nearby home improvement...

#SpaceX #spacenews

10h ago


From amazon.com

Amazon.com: Liftoff: Elon Musk and the Desperate Early Days that Launched SpaceX (Audible Audio Edition): Eric Berger, Rob Shapiro, HarperAudio: Audible Books & Originals

1 1

Amazon.com: Liftoff: Elon Musk and the Desperate Early Days that Launched SpaceX (Audible Audio Edition): Eric Berger, Rob Shapiro, HarperAudio: Audible Books & Originals

#elon #SpaceX #liftoff #reentry

9h ago


From tagesschau.de

NASA verschiebt Rückkehr von ISS-Astronauten erneut

3 4

Zwei US-Astronauten sollten eigentlich nur acht Tage im All bleiben. Stattdessen müssen sie nun wohl knapp zehn Monate auf der Raumstation ISS ausharren - denn die NASA hat ihre Rückkehr erneut verschoben.

#iss #NASA #SpaceX #raumfahrt #tagesschau #Raumstation #spaceflight

on Wed, 11AM


From apnews.com

NASA's 2 stuck astronauts face more time in space with return delayed until at least late March

5 7

NASA's two stuck astronauts just got their space mission extended again. That means they won't be back until spring, 10 months after rocketing into orbit on Boeing's Starliner capsule.

#iss #NASA #musk #space #SpaceX #boeing #enshittification

on Wed, 12AM


From cnn.com

How much of Musk’s wealth comes from tax dollars and government help? | CNN Business

2 2

Elon Musk is the world’s richest person partly due to his companies’ impressive innovations. But his wealth is also due to government contracts and programs that affected his two main businesses – electric vehicles and space travel.

#USA #Trump #USpol #SpaceX #elonmusk #government #departmentofgreedandexcess

16h ago


From nytimes.com

Elon Musk and SpaceX Face Federal Reviews After Violations of Security Reporting Rules

5 42

Federal agencies have opened at least three reviews into whether the company and its leader complied with disclosure protocols intended to protect state secrets, people with knowledge of the matter said.

#musk #USpol #SpaceX #elonmusk #security

6h ago


From engadget.com

Elon Musk, SpaceX reportedly under federal review for undisclosed meetings with foreign leaders

2 4

Three federal reviews are looking into how Elon Musk and SpaceX handled reporting protocols designed to protect classified information.

#tech #SpaceX #securityclearance #musk

on Wed, 1AM


From futura-sciences.com

L'incident de Polaris Dawn révélé aujourd'hui soulève des questions sur le manque de transparence de SpaceX

1 1

Le 12 septembre dernier, nous avons assisté à la toute première sortie spatiale extravéhiculaire privée de l’histoire. Mais on apprend aujourd’hui que, peu de temps avant ce moment historique, il...

#SpaceX #polarisdawn

14h ago


From blick.ch

La consommation de drogue de Musk, un danger pour la sécurité nationale?

1 1

La collaboration entre SpaceX et l'armée américaine soulève des questions sur la fiabilité d'Elon Musk. Son comportement et ses contacts internationaux inquiètent, mettant en péril son habilitation de sécurité 'top secret'.

#USA #musk #SpaceX #danger #drogue #espace #securite #starlink #militaire

20h ago

Showing first 13 out of 13