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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #drums


From mxtthxw.art

Kali Mera!

2 8

Playing records and bringing the spirit of pirate radio to the independent internet... Playing Chill, Trip Hop, Dub, Jazz, Folk, Reggae, Hip Hop, Prog, Jungle, Middle East, African, Irish, Drum and Bass, Soul, Funk... With special guests George and Frida, via exclusive live Cat Flap...

#dub #acid #folk #inpc #jazz #prog #voso #bleeps #hiphop #jungle

on Dec 20


From lemonde.fr

Kirsty Coventry becomes first woman elected president of International Olympic Committee

1 1

The 41-year-old two-time Olympic swimming champion, who is from Zimbabwe, is also the first African to be elected, and the youngest.

#ioc #woman #african #olympic #champion #youngest

16h ago

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