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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From blogspot.com

A7 Radio - 100% Mix

7 70

La stream @7 Radio 100% Mix est un flux musical qui diffuse les créations audios @7 Production

#f1 #fia #ausgp #catch #react #spain #nature #racing #tiktok #germany

19h ago


From mediamatters.org

The right dominates the online media ecosystem, seeping into sports, comedy, and other supposedly nonpolitical spaces

5 20

As Americans increasingly get their news from online shows and streamers, the influence of this media ecosystem becomes more prominent — and Media Matters has found that the most popular of this content is overwhelmingly right-leaning.In a new study, Media Matters assessed the audience size of...

#news #rwnj #uspol #comedy #sports #audience #ideology #podcasts #politics #religion

on Fri, 3PM

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