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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From channelnewsasia.com

US starts to build submarine presence on strategic Australian coast under AUKUS

2 2

PERTH: In the control room of the American Virginia class attack submarine USS Minnesota, off the Western Australian coast, sonar operators adjust to the chatter of dolphins in new waters where the US submarine presence will soon grow significantly. On a training exercise from its home port in...

#trump #auspol #canada #australia #aukus

6h ago


From abc.net.au

Greens leader urges end to the AUKUS deal with 'very dangerous' Trump

3 5

Greens leader Adam Bandt says the government should get out of the AUKUS deal with the United States and explore other relationships in the wake of Donald Trump's tariffs.

#abc #aukus #steel #trade #trump #greens #tariffs #adambandt #aluminium #australia

on Sun, 1AM


From defence-ua.com

Canada Considers Cancelling F-35 Deal at 16 Aircraft, Pivot Toward Gripen | Defense Express

1 1

Discussions about breaking off the F-35 acquisition contract with the United States have reached officials in Ottawa, with alternative fighters are on the table

#aukus #ausgov #auspol #auslabour #australia #dumpaukus #auspolitics #aukusisascam #aukuswillfukus #aukusisbullshit

7h ago

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