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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From colombiacripto.com

CriptoMeme: Las Criptomonedas Tipo Meme

1 2

Una comunidad activa y dedicada puede agregar valor significativo a una memecoin. Los miembros de la comunidad a menudo promueven la memecoin, crean..

#shiba #bogota #dogecoin #criptomeme #colombiacripto

on Dec 7


From slate.com

Bogotá’s Open Streets Program Is the Most Successful in the World. I Went to Find Out Why.

9 9

If you ask a Bogotáno where they learned to ride a bike, they all have the same answer.

#bogota #cycling #Colombia #hackernews #ycombinator #社會發展

10h ago

Showing first 2 out of 2