Öl- und Gasmanager Wright soll US-Energieminister werden
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Er glaubt nicht an den Klimawandel und setzt vor allem auf Öl und Gas: Der Konzernchef Chris Wright soll Energieminister der USA werden. Für Aufsehen sorgte er zuletzt mit einem Video: Er trank Fracking-Flüssigkeit vor laufender Kamera.
#us #badnews #fracking #klimakrise #uswahl2024 #chriswright #USA #klimawandel #Trump
8h ago
Trump picks fracking company CEO Chris Wright as next Department of Energy secretary | CNN Politics
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President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday named Chris Wright, the CEO of Denver-based fracking company Liberty Energy, as his pick to be the next secretary of the Department of Energy.
#Trump #fracking #Environment #chriswright #trumpfascist #climatechange #fossilfuelskill
12h ago
Trump picks fracking executive Chris Wright as DOE secretary
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If confirmed, Wright will be tasked with approving billions of dollars for renewable energy, carbon capture, gas, direct air capture and hydrogen projects.
#fracking #chriswright #deptofenergy #nuclearweapons
8h ago