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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From t.me

Antifascist Solidarity

1 1

The Victorian government is using criticism of the Free Palestine movement to justify the suppression of political dissent. https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/the-ongoing-crackdown-on-the-naarm-palestine-rally-is-targeting-the-right-to-protest/

#law #gaza #naarm #rafah #ausgov #auslaw #auspol #ethics #morals #tasgov

6h ago


From bbc.com

Hamas faces growing public dissent as Gaza war erodes support

16 16

Palestinians in Gaza are openly criticising the armed group both on the streets and online.

#war #dissent #gazawar #civilians #palestine #government #palestinians #warweariness #hamas #Israel

15h ago


From sydneycriminallawyers.com.au

The Ongoing Crackdown on the Naarm Palestine Rally Is Targeting the Right to Protest

1 1

A collective of activists asserts that Victoria is using the political backlash against the Free Palestine movement to implement an antiprotest regime.

#law #gaza #naarm #rafah #ausgov #auslaw #auspol #ethics #morals #tasgov

6h ago


From counterpunch.org

Service in Dissent: Joint Statement of U.S. Government Officials Who Have Resigned Over U.S. Policy Towards Gaza, Palestine, and Israel

1 2

The Administration’s policy in Gaza is a failure and a threat to U.S. national security. America’s diplomatic cover for, and continuous flow of arms to, Israel has ensured our undeniable complicity in the killings and forced starvation of a besieged Palestinian population in Gaza. This is not...

#gaza #dissent #aaronbushnell

on Tue, 10PM

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