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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From isoc.live

WEBCAST MAR 21 - ISOC Ethiopia - Digital Parenting Online - ISOC LIVE NOTICEBOARD

1 1

On Friday March 21 2025, at 11:00 EAT (08:00 UTC) the Internet Society Ethiopia Chapter (ISOC Ethiopia) hosts a webinar ‘Digital Parenting Online‘.As technology becomes an integral part of everyday life, parents face new challenges in guiding their children through the digital world. This...

#kids #post #ethiopia #isocethiopia #onlinesafety

5h ago


From africanews.com

Ethiopia: Abiy Ahmed dismisses war possibility with Eritrea amid rising fears | Africanews

1 1

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced on Thursday that his administration would avoid escalating tensions with Eritrea regarding access to the Red Sea, despite warnings from regional officials and experts about a potential conflict between the two neighboring countries.

#redsea #eritrea #ethiopia #abiyahmed #peacetalks

22h ago

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