‘Mahmoud Is Not Safe’ | Nadia Abu El-Haj
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Mahmoud Khalil has been a public face of the pro-Palestine student movement at Columbia University and Barnard College since last spring. I have known him
#uspol #fascism #columbiau #uspolitics #immigration #propalestine #mahmoudkhalil #staterepression #studentprotests #freemahmoudkhalil
on Sat, 3PM
The Abduction of Mahmoud Khalil - Dissent Magazine
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If the secretary of state can simply declare a legal permanent resident deportable based on their constitutionally protected activities, the First Amendment no longer applies to noncitizens.
#uspol #uspolitics #mahmoudkhalil #civilliberties #staterepression #studentprotests #freemahmoudkhalil #freespeechoncampus #palestinesolidarity
on Sat, 6AM
News Brief: The Disappearance of Mahmoud Khalil and the Phony 'Campus Safety' Panic
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In this News Brief, we detail how Center-Left institutions and media have cynically wielded "lived experience" claptrap to assist Trump's overtly fascistic crackdown on dissenting speech.
#media #trump #uspol #uspolitics #mahmoudkhalil #theresistance #citationsneeded #staterepression #studentprotests #freemahhoudkhalil
21h ago