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64 415 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From 404media.co

Google: AI Potentially Breaking Reality Is a Feature Not a Bug

16 16

“While these uses of GenAI are often neither overtly malicious nor explicitly violate these tools’ content policies or terms of services, their potential for harm is significant.”

#infosec #404media #technews #ethicalai #machinelearning #technologyEthics #artificialintelligence #google #generativeAI #AI

6h ago


From 404media.co

Figma Disables AI App Design Tool After It Copied Apple’s Weather App

8 34

“Ultimately it is my fault for not insisting on a better QA process for this work and pushing our team hard to hit a deadline,” Figma’s CEO said.

#qa #Apple #testing #aiethics #curation #aiquality #aitesting #airesearch #appleapple #automation

on Wed, 5AM


From arxiv.org

AI Agents That Matter

1 2

AI agents are an exciting new research direction, and agent development is driven by benchmarks. Our analysis of current agent benchmarks and evaluation practices reveals several shortcomings that hinder their usefulness in real-world applications. First, there is a narrow focus on accuracy...

#AI #LLMs #aiagents #generativeAI

on Tue, 7AM


From alessiopomaro.it

Generative AI: novità e riflessioni - #6 / 2024

1 1

Un nuovo appuntamento per aggiornarsi e riflettere sulle tematiche che riguardano l'intelligenza artificiale e la Generative AI.

#AI #seo #genai #ecommerce #generativeAI #intelligenzaartificiale

22h ago


From theguardian.com

Google’s emissions climb nearly 50% in five years due to AI energy demand

26 48

Tech giant’s goal of reducing climate footprint at risk as it grows increasingly reliant on energy-hungry data centres

#genai #carbon #usnews #climate #alphabet #emissions #Technology #elizkolbert #generativeAI #BookmarkShare

on Wed, 1AM


From techcrunch.com

Meta plans to bring generative AI to metaverse games | TechCrunch

1 6

According to a job listing, Meta is exploring bringing generative AI tech to the video game domain, specifically metaverse games.

#ar #mr #vr #meta #metaverse #generativeAI #virtualworlds #metaversegames

2h ago


From heise.de

KI-Update kompakt: Nvidia, Figma, Perplexity, KI-Bike

2 2

Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.

#News #kiupdate #generativeAI #kunstlicheintelligenz

17h ago


From heise.de

Perplexity verstößt gegen AWS-Richtlinien – Amazon prüft

3 3

Perplexity nutzt die Infrastruktur von Amazon Web Services. Doch AWS verbietet offenbar das Vorgehen der KI-Antwortmaschine.

#News #verlage #Urheberrecht #generativeAI #kunstlicheintelligenz

22h ago


From techchilli.com

Survey: 42% of Gen AI Jobs in India Seek Machine Learning, 40% Python - Tech Chilli

1 1

A survey by Indeed reveals Python and machine learning are the most sought-after skills for Generative AI jobs in India, with 42% and 40% demand, respectively. As AI market grows, skill gaps present challenges.

#india #aijobs #python #aimarket #skillgap #techjobs #aicareers #jobtrends #aiindustry #techskills

23h ago


From tweaktown.com

Nintendo won't use generative AI in its first-party games

4 4

Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa has revealed that the company currently has no plans to use generative AI in its games due to IP rights concerns.

#AI #Bubble #nintendo #capitalism #generativeAI

17h ago


From techchilli.com

Lightricks Lays Off 70 Employees to Shift Focus to AI-Based Tools and Features - Tech Chilli

1 1

Jerusalem-based Lightricks announces layoffs affecting 12% of its workforce to prioritize generative AI tool development. The restructuring aims to enhance their AI capabilities and B2B product offerings.

#AI #B2B #aitools #layoffs #technews #jerusalem #lightricks #futureoftech #generativeAI #techindustry

22h ago


From heise.de

KI im Unternehmen: Tipps für den sicheren Einsatz interner und externer Lösungen

2 2

Ein neues Webinar bietet Entscheidern Orientierung bei der Auswahl geeigneter KI-Modelle und beleuchtet rechtliche Aspekte.

#News #chatgpt #marketing #midjourney #generativeAI #kunstlicheintelligenz

20h ago


From knack.be

CO2-uitstoot van Google op vijf jaar met 48 procent gestegen - Data News

1 1

De gestegen uitstoot van broeikasgassen is volgens het bedrijf een gevolg van de toegenomen vraag naar artificiële intelligentie. De datacenters die

#AI #generativeAI

22h ago

Showing first 20 out of 23