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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From habr.com

Автоматизируем создание cloud native образов: пошаговая инструкция

1 1

Всем привет! С вами снова Иван Протченко — инженер из команды Cloud.ru . Как вы знаете, cloud native образы помогают обеспечить предсказуемость, масштабируемость и отзывчивость приложений в облаке. В...

#qemu #qcow2 #gitlab #packer #qemukvm #gitlabci #cloudnative #gitlabrunner #ubuntuserver

21h ago


From sethmlarson.dev

I fear for the unauthenticated web

14 14

LLM and AI companies seem to all be in a race to breathe the last breath of air in every room they stumble into. This practice started with larger websites, ones that already had protection from ma...

#ai #bot #llm #web #link #gnome #gitlab #ngated #opinion #internet

18h ago


From thelibre.news

FOSS infrastructure is under attack by AI companies

91 91

LLM scrapers are taking down FOSS projects' infrastructure, and it's getting worse.

#ia #ip #ki #www #llms #open #tech #floss #greed #robot

20h ago

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