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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From carbonbrief.org

Met Office: Atmospheric CO2 rise now exceeding IPCC 1.5C pathways - Carbon Brief

4 5

The rate at which atmospheric CO2 is increasing is now outpacing the pathways set out...

#co2 #ipcc #emissions #climatechange #globalcarbonfeeanddividendpetition

on Fri, 8AM


From wordpress.com

BBC.com: Planet-warming carbon dioxide levels rose more than ever in 2024…

1 1

Levels of the most significant planet-warming gas in our #atmosphere rose more quickly than ever previously recorded last year, scientists say, leaving a key global #climate target hanging by a thr…

#co2 #ipcc #ElNino #amazon #arctic #oceans #tundra #climate #drought #wildfires

18h ago

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