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9 61 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From theregister.com

How tech went from free love to pay-per-day

1 12

FOSS, AI, blockchain, and the cycle of empty nonsense

#it #News #itnews

2h ago


From theregister.com

Epic accuses Apple of breaking DMA after denying storefront

5 5

After button brouhaha, CEO rages Cupertino 'must be stopped'

#it #News #itnews

13h ago


From theregister.com

Nvidia forecast to bounce back in China to the tune of $12B

1 4

Company's sales in the region have dropped under US plan to curb country's AI hopes

#it #News #itnews

on Fri, 4PM


From theregister.com

The untold impact of Qilin's attack on London hospitals

4 11

Skin-sparing mastectomy and breast reconstruction scrapped as result of ransomware at supplier

#it #News #itnews #hacking #Ransomware #cybersecurity

on Fri, 6PM


From theregister.com

FTC ban on noncompete clauses stayed by Texas court

2 4

That was quick: Supremes' gutting of Chevron deference is already paying dividends

#it #ftc #News #itnews #scotus #裁判所 #prattohome #theregister #テキサス #競業禁止

on Fri, 7PM


From theregister.com

Kremlin killed our VPN in Russian App store, claim devs

7 7

Mozilla shows guts with its extensions – but that's the way the Cook, he crumbles

#it #News #vpns #Apple #Putin #Russia #itnews #kremlin #mozilla #Technology

21h ago


From theregister.com

Algorithmic wage discrimination: Not just for gig workers

4 4

What's in the box! No seriously, what's in there that sets our wages

#it #News #itnews

6h ago


From theregister.com

Bust this Ghostscript bug or risk a big breach, say experts

7 10

There's also chatter about whether medium severity scare is actually code red nightmare

#it #pdf #News #adob #itnews #脆弱性 #postscript #prattohome #ghostscript #theregister

on Fri, 1PM


From theregister.com

Paessler brings in subscription for network monitoring tool

1 1

Customers seek alternatives after claiming costs up from perpetual

#it #News #itnews

3h ago

Showing first 9 out of 9