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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).
Correlated tags: #trumpmustlose2024 #norepublicanseveragain


From substack.com

Donald Trump's Shocking Box Score: 602 Lies in Just 40 Minutes, An Unprecedented Tsunami of Deceit That Is Disqualifying

1 18

The debate performance Trump just turned in was the most shameful in U.S. political history. It doesn’t matter who’s running against him because he’s nonviable. And now some breaking news confirms it.

#VoteBlue #neveragaintrump #norepublicans2024 #trumpmustlose2024 #votebluetosavedemocracy

on Mon, 1AM


From nytimes.com

If Trump Wins

2 2

Donald Trump and his closest allies are planning a radical reshaping of American government. Here are some of the policy stakes if he regains power in 2025.

#Biden #press #VoteBlue #Democracy #project2025 #election2024 #kevindroberts #bidenharris2024 #neveragaintrump #nevernevertrump

8h ago


From theguardian.com

We should all be terrified of Trump’s Project 2025 | Robert Reich

33 33

The presumptive Republican nominee has promised to give rightwing evangelical Christians what they want – and more

#us #woke #press #Election #VoteBlue #Democracy #elections #rightwing #UutisBotEN #ultraright

on Sat, 10AM


From inquirer.com

The lingering focus on Biden’s shaky debate obscures Trump’s major verbal miscues | Editorial

12 12

The president must now convince voters he has the mental acuity to do the toughest job in the world. The same bar does not exist for Trump, who loses no points for incoherence or incompetence.

#TFG #Trump #media #goplies #toplink #Politics #democrats #uspolitics #BidenHarris #project2025

10h ago


From dailykos.com

Switching out Biden won't save Democrats from its critics

1 1

My�position is that President Joe Biden and his team crapped the bed at the debate, and it’s on them to fix it . I don’t think that’s an impossible task, even with the current�pearl-clutching ...

#VoteBlue #project2025 #kevindroberts #neveragaintrump #trumpmustlose2024 #heritagefoundation #norepublicanseveragain #votebluetosavedemocracy

16h ago


From epi.org

New report finds that the economy performs better under Democratic presidential administrations

1 3

For well over a decade economists and other social scientists have documented a strong advantage in economic performance during Democratic administrations. A new Economic Policy Institute report updates this work to the latest data available and confirms that this Democratic advantage persists....

#gdp #gop #economy #inflation #DonaldTrump #republicans #neveragaintrump #republicanparty #DemocratsDeliver #trumpmustlose2024

on May 28

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