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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From conferencesthatwork.com

Why Trust Matters More Than Ever : Conferences That Work

1 1

Trust matters more than ever in today's world. Here's how building trusted relationships can lead to a fulfilling and less stressful life.

#trust #buildingtrust #relationships

on Aug 5


From markcarrigan.net

There is always a missed understanding between people

1 1

From Bruce Fink’s Against Understanding vol 2: In Lacan’s view, no such intersubjectivity is possible because there is always a fundamental hiatus or disjunction—a misunderstanding or missed …

#love #fantasy #intimacy #knowledge #darianleader #relationships

21h ago


From abc.net.au

After its election ugliness, can America find the grace to move on?

4 4

All year, I had been looking forward to launching my book in a city that never forgets, never forgives, let alone never sleeps. When I arrived in Manhattan, it was obvious grace was in short supply.

#juliabaird #psychology #uselections #humaninterest #racerelations #relationships #worldpolitics #familyandrelationships

14h ago


From theguardian.com

My husband left me last Christmas. How do I get closure?

2 2

Give yourself permission to grieve, not just for the end of your marriage, but also for the man you thought you knew

#life #trauma #UutisBotEN #theguardian #relationships

3h ago

Showing first 5 out of 5