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From theins.ru

“Morality and ethics should play no part”: Leaks reveal how Russia&#x27;s foreign intelligence agency runs disinformation campaigns in the West

8 16

The Insider has obtained hacked correspondence from officers of Russia's foreign intelligence agency (SVR) responsible for “information warfare” with the West. The leaked documents, intended for various government agencies, reveal the Kremlin's strategy: spreading disinformation on sensitive...

#svr #Kreml #strategie #geopolitics #auslandsgeheimdienstes #Russia #disinformation

on Thu, 5PM


From formula1.it

GP Gran Bretagna - Possibili strategie: La Soft potrebbe fornire un vantaggio, Mercedes favorita

1 1

A Silverstone il pilota della casa di Stoccarda, assieme al compagno Hamilton, ha una seria possibilità di vincere il GP, soprattutto se le condizioni meteo dovessero restare instabili, come sembra dovrebbe accadere, anche per la gara.

#mercedes #strategie

2h ago

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