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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From lowyat.net

Lenovo Legion Tab Gen 3 Hits The Shelves At RM2,199

1 1

Lenovo has quietly released a new gaming tablet in Malaysia dubbed the Legion Tab Gen 3, with a more powerful Snapdragon 8 Elite.

#lenovo #mobile #tablet #tablets #legiontab

2h ago


From tugatech.com.pt

Pura X o novo dobrĂ¡vel da Huawei com design inovador

1 1

 Apesar de todos os contratempos na Huawei, a empresa continua empenhada em revelar novidades para o mercado. E uma das mais recentes trata-se de um novo dispos

#huawei #tablet #android #samsung #harmonyos #noticiasdehardware

18h ago

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