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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From coindesk.com

VARA’s McHugh Says ‘Set and Forget’ Regulatory Mindset Does Not Work for Crypto

1 1

VARA is closely watching real-world tokenization in the city and making sure consumers are protected.

#vara #dubai #policy #realestate #tokenization

2h ago


From coindesk.com

Unlocking Private Credit’s Potential: How Tokenization Brings DeFi Innovation to Traditional Finance

1 1

DeFi’s ethos — permissionless access, composable assets and real-time settlements — are a perfect solution to private credit’s most significant pain points.

#defi #tradfi #opinion #cryptolong #tokenization #coindeskindices #institutionalinvestment

20h ago

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