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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From flickr.com


1 1

Quatro fábricas da Luz (PR39 SMI) hike around the ruins of 19th-century hydroelectric plants author: Jan Helebrant location: Furnas, São Miguel, Azores, Portugal www.juhele.blogspot.com license CC0 Public Domain Dedication

#ruins #azores #jungle #travel #postapo #portugal #landscape #saomiguel #steampunk #industrial

8h ago


From flickr.com


1 1

Quatro fábricas da Luz (PR39 SMI) hike around the ruins of 19th-century hydroelectric plants author: Jan Helebrant location: Furnas, São Miguel, Azores, Portugal www.juhele.blogspot.com license CC0 Public Domain Dedication

#ruins #azores #chulhu #jungle #travel #postapo #mythical #portugal #landscape #saomiguel

5h ago

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