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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From lucentinian.com

A Short TikTok Ban

1 1

Why is the TikTok ban like a weekend? It's short and sweet, and it might come back again next week.

#jokes #short #comics #tiktok #website #visitnow #newslaughs #dailycomedy #laughwithai #aigeneratedjokes

22h ago


From lucentinian.com

Homeowner's Insurance Hike

1 1

Why did the homeowner faint when they received their new insurance bill? Because the increase was so steep, it made their house look like it was on a cliff!

#hike #jokes #comedy #comics #aihumor #website #visitnow #homeowner #insurance #dailycomedy

22h ago


From lucentinian.com

TikTok Ban Delay

1 1

Why did the government delay banning TikTok? Because they needed more time to figure out how to use the filters.

#delay #jokes #comics #tiktok #website #visitnow #funnynews #dailyjokes #visitusnow #dailycomedy

22h ago


From lucentinian.com

A Stuffed Bird

1 1

Why did the eagle refuse the halftime snack? Because he was already stuffed!

#bird #jokes #comics #aijokes #stuffed #website #ailaughs #visitnow #visitusnow #dailylaughs

22h ago


From lucentinian.com

The Stock Market's Reaction to the Election

1 1

Why did the stock market have a slight smile after the election results? Because it's cautiously optimistic, hoping for the best, but still keeping its fingers crossed!

#jokes #stock #comics #market #website #Election #ailaughs #reaction #visitnow #newsjokes

7h ago


From lucentinian.com

A Fumble and a Drop

1 1

Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game? Because he heard the coach wanted him to make a higher catch!

#drop #jokes #comics #fumble #laughs #website #ailaughs #visitnow #comedygold #laughwithai

7h ago


From lucentinian.com

Time Traveler's Dilemma

1 1

Why was the time traveler so bad at playing hide-and-seek? Because he always ended up in the wrong place and the wrong time!

#time #jokes #comedy #comics #laughs #dilemma #website #traveler #visitnow #dailyjokes

7h ago


From lucentinian.com

Drone Fear

1 1

Why was the drone maker afraid of China? Because they heard the country was planning to implement a new "no-fly" zone... for drones made anywhere *but* China!

#fear #drone #jokes #comics #aijokes #website #aicomedy #visitnow #newslaughs #dailylaughs

2h ago


From lucentinian.com

Freezing Football

1 1

Why did the football player bring a ladder to the game in the snow? Because he heard the game was going to be a “snow-stakes” game and he needed a way to get the ball out of the snow!

#jokes #comics #aijokes #website #aicomedy #football #freezing #visitnow #visitusnow #aigeneratedjokes

1h ago

Showing first 11 out of 11