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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From joinmastodon.org

The people should own the town square

24 179

It is more important than ever that the social web is not controlled by corporations. Today, Mastodon is taking another step towards its founding ideals: independence and non-profit ownership. We're transferring ownership of key assets to a new European not-for-profit entity, ensuring our...

#News #twig #culture #mastadon #fediverse #SocialMedia #社羣媒體 #Mastodon

on Tue, 2AM


From eff.org

Platforms Systematically Removed a User Because He Made "Most Wanted CEO" Playing Cards

19 21

On December 14, James Harr, the owner of an online store called ComradeWorkwear, announced on social media that he planned to sell a deck of “Most Wanted CEO” playing cards, satirizing the infamous “Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards” introduced by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2003. Per the...

#us #ceo #USpol #PayPal #monero #Shopify #banking #bitcoin #ethereum #economics

on Tue, 6PM

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