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#641: on May 3

From theguardian.com

Let us remember the last time students occupied Columbia University | Omar Barghouti, Tanaquil Jones, and Barbara Ransby

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In 1985, Columbia students occupied campus to push for divestment from South Africa. Five months later, the university cut ties to the apartheid regime after years of dragging its feet

on May 3

#642: on May 3

From theguardian.com

Mass deportations, detention camps, troops on the street: Trump spells out migrant plan

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Trump White House 2.0 would mean a vast, legally dubious roundup of up to 11 million people and pit state against state

on May 3

#643: on May 3

From theguardian.com

Russian troops enter airbase in Niger where US soldiers are stationed

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Proximity of the two countries’ forces follows request by junta ruling west African nation for the US to pull its troops out

on May 2

#644: on May 3

From theguardian.com

Rutgers and University of Minnesota reach resolutions with Gaza protesters

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Schools join Northwestern and Brown in arriving at agreements with students to dismantle pro-Palestinian encampments

on May 3

#645: on May 3

From theguardian.com

Court strikes down youth climate lawsuit on Biden administration request

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Attorney and non-profit founder Julia Olson calls appeals court ruling on lawsuit filed by 21 young people ‘tragic and unjust’

on May 3

#646: on May 3

From bbc.com

Joe Biden calls US allies India and Japan 'xenophobic'

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The White House has downplayed the comments, saying the president 'values' India and Japan's friendship.

on May 3

#647: on May 3

From theguardian.com

Protests continue at university campuses across the US – in pictures

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After major police raids on universities in New York and Los Angeles on Tuesday, students continued to demonstrate against the war in Gaza

on May 1

#648: on May 3

From theguardian.com

Eric Adams under pressure to divulge details on ‘outside agitators’ at campus protests

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The New York City mayor has claimed police arrested protesters after non-student elements escalated the situation

on May 2

#649: on May 3

From theguardian.com

Mistrial in case of US military contractor accused of Abu Ghraib abuse

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Eight-member civil jury unable to reach verdit on whether Caci conspired with US soldiers to abuse detainees in Iraqi prison

on May 2

#650: on May 3

From bbc.com

American Airlines keeps mistaking 101-year-old passenger for baby

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An IT glitch leaves the cabin crew expecting to welcome a baby on board rather than a centenarian.

on Apr 28

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