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From theend.fyi

How Do You Say "Finished Audio Fiction" in Portugese? - Issue #105 from The End (Audio Fiction Directory)

1 1

Featuring THE MANTAWAUK CAVES & Mirrors + 2 complete series, 3 finished seasons, and 2 season restarts! Published on Sep 05, 2024.

#audiodrama #AudioFiction #fictionpodcast #podcastnewsletter

on Sep 5

From spotify.com

The Train Headed Nowhere - Part Ten: An Uneasy Solution by Running Sentences

1 1

Drex finds himself corralled and asked questions by the rebels trying to figure what he's done. If only he knew some answers to give them, perhaps this might go easier on him. All while the train carries on doing its thing racing down train tracks that may have been long hidden away.

#story #YouTube #fiction #podcast #spotify #Audiobook #audiodrama #AudioFiction #storytelling

on Sep 5