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From heise.de

Broadcom weiter an Übernahme von Intels Chip-Entwicklung interessiert

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Droht Intel eine Aufspaltung in Fertigung und Entwicklung? Nach TSMC kommt nun erneut Broadcom ins Gespräch.

#TSMC #news #intel #broadcom #ubernahme #Wirtschaft #Halbleiterindustrie

on Feb 17

From heise.de

Broadcom still interested in taking over Intel's chip development

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Is Intel threatening to split into production and development? After TSMC, Broadcom is now being discussed again.

#TSMC #news #intel #broadcom #ubernahme #Wirtschaft #Halbleiterindustrie

on Feb 16

From heise.de

Setback: Broadcom allegedly not satisfied with chips from Intel's 18A process

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Broadcom has its first chips manufactured by Intel using the 18A process. However, the results indicate that 18A is not yet ready for mass production.

#News #intel #broadcom #Halbleiterindustrie

on Sep 5