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From theguardian.com

Fixer for donations to king’s charities banned from trustee and director roles

3 3

Watchdog report strongly criticises Michael Wynne-Parker, who was middleman for more than £500,000 of donations

#King #press #monarchy #corruption #RepublicNow #michaelwynneparker

on Sep 5

From daletra.online

King - Kollegah

1 1

[Songtext zu „King“]. [Intro]. Yeah! Yeah, ey, ah! [Part 1]. Laden, entsichern und anvisier'n, ich komm' und erkenne die Angst in dir.

#King #kollegah

15h ago

From gaytimes.com

King of Drag: Murray Hill to host first ever drag king competition series

1 1

Attention, drag fans! A drag king competition series is finally headed our way and comedian and drag legend Murray Hill is hosting.

#tv #King #drag #fans #lgbtq #women #series #culture #lgbtqia #dragking

20h ago