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From hackaday.com

High-Speed Jelly Launcher Destroys Toast

5 5

You shouldn’t play with your food. Unless you’re designing some kind of portable cannon to fling it across the room. That’s precisely what [Backhaul Studios] did. The first step o…

#hacking #projects #flywheel #MiscHacks #condiments #jellylauncher

on Sep 5

From hackaday.com

Inside A Diamond Plant

4 4

While you tend to think of diamonds as ornamental gemstones, diamonds also have many important industrial uses, and many of those diamonds are now synthetic polycrystalline diamonds. How are they m…

#hacking #projects #diamond #MiscHacks

16h ago

From hackaday.com

Build A Super Cheap RC Trainer Plane With Foam

4 4

Once upon a time, RC planes were expensive models that took months to build and big money to equip with electronics. Since the 20th century though, powerful batteries have become cheap, as have ser…

#hacking #projects #FOAM #plane #rcplane #trainer #MiscHacks #rctrainer #radiocontrol #trainerplane

on Sep 6