ABlueView (
1 1
Attached: 1 image 🧵1/2 Signs of Dem support TV ratings are an indication of support & the ones for the Democratic Convention were boffo, easily beating the RNC over the 4 nights 87.2M vs 76.3M. The 10.9M lead is especially impressive since streaming data is NOT included here. #Polls #ABlueView
#ablueview #harriswalz2024 #votebluedownballot #votebluetosavedemocracy
on Sep 5
ABlueView (
1 1
Attached: 1 image These 5 editorial cartoons convey so much meaning without using any text; they are pictures worth entire PhD theses, let alone a thousand words. Here though, I thought a caption could be illuminating: 🧵1/5 Reflecting #BestOfABlueView #MakesYouThink #ABlueView
#ablueview #donaldtrumpdidthis #choiceisontheballot #mindyourowndamnbusiness
on Aug 23