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From disabilitynewsservice.com

DWP issues second dodgy press release in attempt to trick media into supporting cuts to disability benefits

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The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has issued a second misleading press release in consecutive weeks as it tries to trick the mainstream media into supporting its controversial cuts to disa…

#uk #esa #gbp #job #jobs #work #money #choice #defund #injury

on Fri, 1AM

From circuitryhubinsights.online

UK's New "Pathways to Work" Green Paper: Radical Welfare Reform or Controversial Cuts?

1 1

Understanding the Pathways to Work Green PaperThe UK Government has just released what could be the most substantial overhaul of the welfare system since Universal Credit was introduced. Published in March 2025, the "Pathways to Work: Reforming Benefits and Support to Get Britain Working" Green...

#benefits #ukpolitics #welfarereform #employmentsupport

9h ago

From dkscore.com

Article | Unlocking the Mysteries of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: Meaning, Benefits, and Chanting Practices

1 1

Explore the profound significance of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, its meaning in Hindi, benefits of chanting it 108 times, and guidelines on how to chant it. Learn if the mantra can attract wandering souls or backfire.

#om #ketu #life #rahu #brain #study #mantra #benefits #comercial #lordshiva

on Sep 6

From businessinsider.com

Lauren Boebert says she voted against more health benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits because she didn't want to spend 'a billion dollars forever' on unclear legislation

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When asked about her "nay" vote for the PACT Act in 2022, Boebert said she did not want to spend "a billion dollars forever" on unclear legislation.

#law #lgbtq #qbert #voted #women #Health #fascism #lgbtqia #support #Congress

on Sep 5