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From posivi.com

Frustrated Bolivians resorted to smuggling Starlink kits - Posivi

1 1

Some Bolivians, frustrated by unreliable internet service provided by the state-run system reliant on the Chinese-built Tupac Katari satellite, have

#bolivia #starlink #technews #satellite #starlinkban #digitaldivide #chinasatellite #internetaccess #InternetFreedom

on Feb 17

From techhub.social

Techmeme (@Techmeme@techhub.social)

1 1

Some Bolivians, frustrated with spotty internet from the state's China-built satellite, are smuggling in Starlink kits despite the country's ban in August 2024 (William Wroblewski/Rest of...

#bolivia #internet #starlink #internetaccess

on Feb 16