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From schneier.com

Casino Players Using Hidden Cameras for Cheating - Schneier on Security

3 3

The basic strategy is to place a device with a hidden camera in a position to capture normally hidden card values, which are interpreted by an accomplice off-site and fed back to the player via a hidden microphone. Miniaturization is making these devices harder to detect. Presumably AI will soon...

#law #tech #autosum #legaltech #cameras #cheating #gambling #uncategorized

14h ago

From ciso2ciso.com

Casino Players Using Hidden Cameras for Cheating – Source: www.schneier.com

1 1

Source: www.schneier.com - Author: Bruce Schneier HomeBlog Casino Players Using Hidden Cameras for Cheating The basic strategy i

#cameras #cheating #gambling #uncategorized #CyberSecurityNews #schneieronsecurity #rssfeedpostgeneratorecho

4h ago

From petapixel.com

This Very Versatile 4x5 Film Camera Shoots Instax Wide and Works with Smartphones

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A stylish, clever, and modern take on large-format analog photography.

#film #cameras

on Thu, 8PM