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From newsmeapp.com

FTC and Illinois Attorney General Take Action Against Grubhub Over Deceptive Practices, $25 Million Settlement Reached - Wick & Co. News Media

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According to the FTC's complaint, Grubhub engaged in multiple unfair business practices to gain a competitive edge in the crowded online food delivery market. These tactics included misleading advertising, deceptive fees, blocking consumer accounts without notice, and inflating earnings claims...

#ftc #justice #consumers #fairwages

16h ago

From osu.edu

Most retail choice offers for electricity don’t save consumers money

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Ohio’s retail choice electricity market – which lets consumers choose which company provides their electric generation service – has provided residential consumers with mostly cost-increasing offers.Researchers found that 72% of the most popular type of retail electricity offers over the past...

#Ohio #consumers #electricity #energycosts

17h ago