How Far Have We Come? – The Canadian National Open Education Landscape
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This panel brings together experts across Canada engaged at a national level in open education. Canada’s open education landscape is diverse, dynamic, and uniquely influenced by provincial contexts.
#soon #today #oeweek #online #english #oeglobal #oeweek25 #openeducation #educationcelebration
5h ago
S’initier à l’éducation ouverte avec un escape game
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À l’occasion de la Semaine de l’Éducation Ouverte en décembre dernier à Nantes, nous avons conçu et animé un escape game inédit destiné aux étudiant·es : “L’Odyssée de l’Éducation Ouverte”.
#soon #today #french #oeweek #inperson #oeglobal #oeweek25 #openeducation #educationcelebration
7h ago
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AI is transforming Open Education, but is it leading us toward progress or chaos? This librarian-led panel will question the opportunities, challenges, and impact AI presents for the Open community…
#soon #today #oeweek #online #english #oeglobal #oeweek25 #openeducation #educationcelebration
on Fri, 5PM