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From lalibre.be

Steve n'est pas Conner : la taxe sur les plus-values boursières divise les frères Rousseau

3 3

Faut-il taxer les plus-values boursières ? Le sujet est explosif pour les négociateurs flamands, tout comme au sein de la famille Rousseau.


on Sep 6

From nikkei.com

Once neglected, Asian Americans now courted in knife-edge election

1 1

Tiny margins in battleground states spotlight voters like Wisconsin's Hmong community

#aapi #USpol #aanhpi #elections #elections2024

on Sep 6

From sustainabilityonline.net

What effect would a second Trump administration have on U.S. environmental policy? - SustainabilityOnline

1 1

Former US president Donald Trump has not held back from criticising US environmental policy, along with the Republican Party.

#Trump #Environment #elections2024 #sustainability

on Sep 5