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From actblue.com

I just donated to GIFFORDS PAC

1 1

GIFFORDS PAC works to reduce gun violence and save lives by empowering voters with information and supporting candidates who will fight for safer gun laws.

#giffords #banthenra #donations #gunreform #savelives #guncontrol #gunreduction #endgunviolence #stopgunviolence #banassaultweapons

9h ago

From facebook.com

Thedavid Mfano

1 1

An open letter to Senator Debbie Stabenow, Senator Gary Peters and,, Rep. Debbie Dingell. Re: Another school shooting, another plea for gun control. WINDER, Ga. (AP) — A 14-year-old student...

#News #Politics #guncontrol #2ndamendment #massshooting #guncontrolnow #endgunviolence #schoolshooting

on Sep 5