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From abc.net.au

NSW's state fish is moving south as oceans warm

3 3

Numbers of eastern blue groper have halved around the Sydney coast since 2008, and the fish is being pushed south as waters warm, a new study has found.

#nsw #Fishing #extinction #environment #fossilfuels #IllegalFishing #peterdekruijff #environmentalpolicy #recreationalfishing #scienceandtechnology

on Feb 17

From abc.net.au

Rainforest study sheds light on 'what might happen under climate change'

3 3

University of Queensland PhD candidate Julian Radford-Smith has spent the past two years studying the wood density, leaf size, height and other "traits" of more than 300 species between Ballina and Gladstone.

#trees #environment #conservation #juliusdennis #climatechange #environmentalimpact #environmentalmanagement

on Feb 16